
When talking about the Marketing strategies, we talked about the guide of elements that will help us achieve the goals of our project, taking into account all the resources we have.

How to create a marketing strategy?

All marketing strategies must consider factors such as functionality, execution and measurement of results.

  • Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses

Main indicator that allows us to know faithfully the advantages offered by the product that we are going to launch through the marketing strategy.

  • Know the Project Opportunities and Risks

Be clear that everything is a variable where we can really reach each audience we are considering, and get the returns on the proposed investment, but like everything, we have a risk of failure (that's why before launching any campaign, we recommend analyzing the feasibility).

  • Strategy Development

In the development we include each of the elements we choose to implement our strategy, each of which should allow us to measure the results.

  • Analysis of Alternatives

Knowing the results of the development is vital to finally know if we are on the right track or if we can modify something (this process should be done for at least 3 months); very few strategies achieve results from the first moment of launching.

  • Implementation

Executing a strategy can be defined in different ways, but for us there are 3 fundamental factors for success.

  • Define Resources

Establishing the quantities of material, as well as each economic element for each area in charge of executing our campaign, is the most important factor today, since it will allow us to always have a cost control for our project.

  • Define Goals

An effective strategy should always consider execution times where each one must fulfill a requirement achieved, in this way, we continue to maintain the effectiveness of the strategy measured.

  • Motivate the Team

Not for being the last factor is the least important, the development of a campaign has different reactions of the team, as they are days and nights of work without rest, so it is important to always be aware of the mood (we always recommend using a day to spend with the whole team, in order to generate internal strength and can release tensions).

We hope our recommendations will be useful to you in the creation of your strategies, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
