Advertising on Facebook and Instagram, does it still work?


Advertising within social networks is already very common, most brands promote products through them, which represents a large part of their marketing strategies, but does it really work?

Finding out if your campaign will be successful or not is a process of understanding what our customer is looking for and turning it into an experience, not just another 2×1 promotion, because nowadays our customers, audiences or buyers as you like to call them are not only looking for something to buy, but they want something that solves a pain or a problem.

However, social networks work excellently to boost a business, build customer loyalty and spread the message that the brand wants to give to an audience.

Advertising on FaceBook

FaceBook offers several advantages when choosing it as the main platform for your advertising companies. For us at Dreamind the main advantages would be the following:

  • Several options for creating ads: By having different formats and objectives for the creation of an ad, this platform allows a remarkable visualization in all the devices to which you plan to direct your campaigns. Whichever format you choose, you will be able to define a budget, choose objectives, start and end dates, personalization of menus, as well as audience segmentation.
  • Complete platform: By having the ability to communicate with different types of channels to empower them and generate community to promote blogs, websites, online stores, applications, etc.

Advertising on Instagram

This social network is positioned as one of the favorites for most brands and this is not only because it allows them to promote their products, but also allows them to strengthen their brand strategy and thus get even closer to their target audience. Some of the advantages of advertising on Instagram are:

  • Add new followers: One of the main advantages of advertising on Instagram is the addition of new followers to your account and thus boost the community of your business. This can lead to increased sales, user interaction, as well as a better brand perception towards your customers or potential customers.
  • Positioning your brand:Thanks to the visual relevance of Instagram ads, the high quality of images, aesthetic details and their integration with short videos on this social network greatly improve the positioning of your brand.
  • Direct targets: Instagram campaigns allow you to create specific purposes such as: making your brand known, presenting a new product or launching an online store, among others. In this way, the ads become the most accurate tool to boost your brand's marketing strategy.

What has changed in FaceBook and Instagram?

Every week these platforms have different changes that modify our strategies or the way in which we generate our campaigns within Meta's commercial administrator (if you would like to know more about this tool, leave us a comment). Now we will tell you about the most important changes that you must have, find out more:

  • Verify your identity: As these social networks are a community, they are always looking for real users and not accounts generated with possible malicious purposes or for the dissemination of spam. (Failure to comply with this requirement may result in your business administrator being blocked).
  • Keep your account safe: It is important to activate the two-step authentication, which allows you to always have your account secure and be seen in a good way by the platforms.
  • Shadowban: Recently, Instagram's CEO Adam Mosseri told the world that he shadowban does not exist (we were still surprised, but the algorithm is very changeable, since it is an AI). If your accounts are not having the visualization and interaction you expect, it is because your content is not being liked by your followers, because nowadays, valuable content is the most relevant in these social networks.
  • Hashtags: You will be surprised to know that hashtags no longer work to expose your posts organically and now only work to let the platforms' algorithms know what your content is about so they can identify it.
  • Segmentation: Nowadays, we no longer consider it essential to fill your segmentation with an impressive number of tastes and behaviors in your segmentation, since meta now has the option of segmentation expanded (We are not saying that just segmenting by age, city and gender is enough). Let's remember that these platforms work with AI and this now will still be of help when making our segmentations.

So, does it still work to advertise on FaceBook and Instagram? FaceBook and Instagram?

As you can see, these platforms are still and will continue to be ideal to invest your money and grow your business. But the key to all this is to choose a social network that fits the needs and objectives of your business in its advertising campaigns.

The growth you want to achieve goes hand in hand at target commercialthe behavior of your audience, i.e. where they spend most of their time, will help you make the best decision on where to invest and how much to invest.

Here is an example: If you are looking to connect with a young audience, your best option will be Instagram. If, on the other hand, your audience is mostly oriented to an adult audience, the ideal option for you to make your investment will be FaceBook (you can invest in both platforms but adjust the amount of budget between one and the other according to your needs).

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